- Module 6. In actie
Lesson 1. Taking the initiative Lesson 2. Planning and management Lesson 3. Coping with uncertainty,...
Gratis - Module 5. Middelen
Lesson 1. Self-awareness & self-efficacy Lesson 2. Motivation and perseverance Lesson 3. Mobilizing resources Lesson...
Gratis - Module 4. Ideas and opportunities
Today´s global economic system is based on a linear model which became predominant in the...
Gratis - Module 3. Tools voor strategische planning
Exercise 1. The Business Model Canvas Exercise 2. Airbnb example Exercise 3. The SWOT Analysis...
Gratis - Module 2. Circulaire bedrijfsmodellen
Based on the principles of circularity and the various schools of thought of the circular...
Gratis - Module 1. Inleiding tot de Circulaire Economie
Today´s global economic system is based on a linear model which became predominant in the...